File WxSqueak Into A Stock Squeak Image
Steven Swerling
2006-07-19 15:18:01 UTC
Attached is a little tool that will help you file in WxSqueak into a
stock squeak image. I tried it on various 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 images, and
into a Tweak 3.8 image I had lying around. WxMorphic can also be run in
these images with a small fix.

One glitch, my initialization routines initialize 2691 contants in
WxConstants, but there are 2703 members in my stock wx image. However, I
haven't tracked down what those missing 12 constants are or where they
are getting set. So there are 12 little bombs waiting to go off until I
diff the real WxConstants from the one I generate and track down those

Other than that, it works. Make sure to follow the instructions in the
readme file carefully. All of the steps to file in WX can be put in a
SAR file, but for now, just follow the instructions.
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Url : http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/wxsqueak/attachments/20050322/4e6b2ea8/protoWxBase.bin
Rob Gayvert
2006-07-19 15:18:01 UTC
Post by Steven Swerling
Attached is a little tool that will help you file in WxSqueak into a
stock squeak image. I tried it on various 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 images,
and into a Tweak 3.8 image I had lying around. WxMorphic can also be
run in these images with a small fix.
One glitch, my initialization routines initialize 2691 contants in
WxConstants, but there are 2703 members in my stock wx image. However,
I haven't tracked down what those missing 12 constants are or where
they are getting set. So there are 12 little bombs waiting to go off
until I diff the real WxConstants from the one I generate and track
down those constants.
Other than that, it works. Make sure to follow the instructions in the
readme file carefully. All of the steps to file in WX can be put in a
SAR file, but for now, just follow the instructions.
I like the way this eliminates the huge chunk of the filein that loads
WxConstants. The missing constants may not be a problem. I think there
are about a dozen or so constants that are in the map file but don't get
loaded because they're not available on the Mac (e.g., joystick constants).

One other small detail: I moved the WxControlsSampleIds into a shared
pool, so you can take this out of the protoBase.
