[Wxsqueak] How/Where do I find GUI object params, e.g., for Checkbox: style: wxNoBorder
Brooks Bridges
2006-07-30 22:34:32 UTC
This is pretty basic but I tried question on newbies list
and no one responded with solution.

I've done a lot of searching/inspecting but can't find
a list to choose such things as wxNoBorder from.

I'm looking at the code for a checkbox in the checkbox

cb1 := WxCheckBox parent: self id: wxIdAny label: '
Apples' position: ***@40 size: ***@20 style:

Of course my question is general. Are these kinds of
things in pool dictionaries or what? I don't see
anyway to do a general search in Squeak for this info.
I don't have a clue how to proceed.

Ultimately, I'd like to build a small app connecting to a
database that would serve as an architectural model for me,
and possibly others.

Thanks in advance,

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Rob Gayvert
2006-07-31 22:23:45 UTC

Constants like wxNoBorder are in the pool dictionary WxConstants.
Classes like WxBase and WxPresenter include this in their definitions,
so most GUI classes will inherit this. The values of some constants vary
across different platforms, so it's loaded each time at startup from the
VM (see WxBase class>>initializeConstants).

.. Rob
Post by Brooks Bridges
This is pretty basic but I tried question on newbies list
and no one responded with solution.
I've done a lot of searching/inspecting but can't find
a list to choose such things as wxNoBorder from.
I'm looking at the code for a checkbox in the checkbox
cb1 := WxCheckBox parent: self id: wxIdAny label: '
Of course my question is general. Are these kinds of
things in pool dictionaries or what? I don't see
anyway to do a general search in Squeak for this info.
I don't have a clue how to proceed.
Ultimately, I'd like to build a small app connecting to a
database that would serve as an architectural model for me,
and possibly others.
Thanks in advance,